HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 Version 2.81 Sep 7, 2022 Upgrade Requirement:Recommended - HPE recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.Important:IPv6 network communications - Dedicated network connection only
Flash HPE Integrated Lights-Out 5 iLO5 Version 2.78 Dec 24, 2022Upgrade Requirement:Recommended - HPE recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.Please note iLO 5 v2.78 is positioned to be the bridge version for future
我刷到这么一条新闻,说宝马要在电车上取消车载收音机。乍一看,还以为又是传统车企在向特斯拉学的新花样儿呢,毕竟人家国产特斯拉早就取消了收音机,你只能通过车载网络去听电台。不过定睛一看,宝马这事儿和特斯拉还不一样。根据《 纽约时报 》的报道,宝马表示将在配备 eDrive 技术的电车里移除 AM 收音机功能。这单单取消 AM 是啥意思嘞?别急,在这先给没用过收音机的差友们,补上一段背景。记得我小的时候,车载电台是非常受欢迎的,那会儿司机们必